Schlebach Quadro + Roll Former
For high performance under the most demanding on-site conditions, the Schlebach Quadro + Roll Former is our economical profiling workhorse. We can rollform tapered standing seam in two passes, and produce double-female or double-male flanges in two passes. (22gauge steel. 0.032″ aluminum, 16 oz copper)
RAS Turbobend
The RAS Turbobend is the Fastest and Most Accurate Metal Folding System for the Roofing, Architectural, and Metal Contruction Industries. The RAS Turbobend is a Very High Quality German Built Machine w/ an Extraordinarily User Friendly Control! (16 gauge steel,0.050″ aluminum, 20oz copper)
Schechtl Shear
Schechtl Shears are the leading architectural shears in the industry because they were smartly designed from decades of sheet metal experience. They feature a deeper backgauge of 30″ (instead of 24″), a rollout wagon so we don’t have to unload the machine from our knees, and telescoping front support arms. (16 gauge steel, 0.063″ aluminum, 20oz copper)
Equipment Gallery
Photographs coming soon.